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Girl Gang Manchester is a collective of female artists, activists, academics and party instigators who produce accessible, fun and meaningful events with masses of passion and creative flair.


We are a fluid collective of creative, ambitious, incessant grafters, reliant upon and extremely grateful for the voluntary efforts and talents of loads of incredible people.  

Currently unfunded and run purely on voluntary efforts, all money raised through tickets goes back into the collective to begin plans for the next event. 

Girl Gang is currently run by a small dedicated core team who meet regularly, leading on concepts, planning, advocacy and admin, with a wonderful wider team of frequent collaborators, helpers and hypers and an even broader base of babes who come on board for specific events. If you’ve worked with us once, or even just attended an event, we consider you a part of our gang!

Our strength lies in collaboration, skill sharing and generating new ideas, so we are ALWAYS interested in new ideas, people and perspectives. We aim to be an open and fluid collective of people of all genders, ages, races, sexualities and backgrounds, and would love to expand any and all of our teams, striving to represent our city as broadly as possible.  

If you have something you'd like to try or throw into the mix, want to help out with an event or simply hang out and meet new people, please drop us an email and we’ll invite you along to a meeting, we’d love to hear from you!

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