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PechaKucha Manchester Vol.16
 30 / 03 / 17   |   The Wonder Inn

PechaKucha Night, now in over 900 cities, was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. 

We talked about our manifesto, what we hope to contribute to the city, what we are aiming to be and why we do it. 

Other great speakers on the night included;

James Kennedy (Film Maker) 

Daniel Thompson (Designer & Illustrator) 

Radim Malinic (Brand Nu) 

Christina Connelly (BBC)

Graham Jones (Loose Collective) 

Rita Cervello (Common Good) 

Laura Boast (LJB Studio)

Watch the video here.

We Stand Together
 07 / 06 / 17   |   Manchester Metropolitan University

An afternoon student- led support session for those affected by the attack at Manchester Arena. Other speakers and session leaders included MMU Health and Well Being staff and Heads Up.  

 17 / 08 / 17   |   Texture

Craft is a series of events in Manchester focusing on the craft behind design of all kinds.

We introduced ourselves and the inspiration for all the events and projects we undertake, paying particular focus to the importance of DIY culture, how we try to provide safe spaces and increased understanding of accountability. 


The other great speakers at this event were;

Magnetic North (Digital Agency) 

Alison Coward (Workshop Facilitator& Author)  

Speed mate-ing at the Confidence Conference for Lesbian and Bisexual Women
21 / 10 / 17  (11am-12)   |   LGBT Foundation

In Autumn 2017, LGBT Foundation Women’s Programme is launched a Confidence Movement for Lesbian and Bisexual Women, including women of colour, older women, disabled/neurodivergent women, trans women, non-binary people and transfeminine people.

To launch this movement, they held a FREE Confidence Conference for Lesbian and Bisexual Women on  October 21st October. This part of the movement was about meeting new people in new ways, and finding the confidence to do so - so we were honoured to have been asked to run a mini edition of our popular Speed Mate-ing event as part of it. 

For details of upcoming Speed Mate-ing events in both Manchester an Sheffield keep an eye on this page...

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